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Advent—Joy for the Journey

Giving and receiving Christmas presents is fun and exciting! I’ve always cherished the anticipation and excitement of my children when they were little and just couldn’t wait for Christmas morning. We’ve sent them back to bed at three am because it was way too early for mom and dad. Yet, I remember being a child and waking my parents up in the wee hours, too excited to sleep with those gifts under the tree.

Unwrapping Christmas presents can be thrilling, but true and lasting joy is only found in the presence of God.


You make known to me the path of life;

You will fill me with joy in your presence;

With eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11


Joy, found only in the presence of God, doesn’t end once the shiny paper is torn away on Christmas Day. This joy is the gift we can unwrap and enjoy every day of the year.


Choosing Joy

Joy is not based on our circumstances. Joy is a choice. We can choose joy no matter what is going on in our lives, in our family, with our kids, our jobs, our communities, and even in the world.


In her devotional Emmanuel—An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always, Ruth Chou Simons writes, “Where you set your hope this Christmas season will determine how you find joy.”


Experiencing joy is up to us. God already provided the gift. We just need to unwrap it, experience it, and enjoy it. And that gift of perpetual joy is Jesus!

The Good News

Consider the shepherds watching their flocks by night when the angel appeared announcing the birth of Christ.


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.

I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;

He is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Luke 2:10-11


Another quote from Simons’ Emmanuel devotional says, “It’s the really bad news that makes the really good news so sweet.”

Christmas isn’t about shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking, and gifts—though we go through the motions every year loving the traditions but dreading the chaos. Christmas is really about the celebration of God’s promise to deliver us from sin through the birth of his Son.


Joy came into the world when Jesus was born—but his birth was just the beginning. The weary world can experience joy not just because of the baby in the manger but because of the cross. It’s not just the birth of Christ but his sacrifice—His death on the cross and His resurrection—this is what makes the manger meaningful.


Because of this Good News we can experience the joy of the Lord which is not based on our circumstances or our perfection. True joy is found in the presence of the risen Jesus.


As the old Isaac Watts hymn proclaims:

Joy to the world;

The Lord is come;

Let earth receive her King;

Let every heart prepare Him room…


Will you prepare room for Jesus in your heart today?

My Gift to You

Throughout December on the Adoption & Foster Care Journey podcast, I’ll be featuring my annual Advent Series each week focusing on hope, peace, joy and love. Tune in for the following:

•   Short Advent message

•   Scripture

•   Holiday Parenting Survival Tip

•   Suggested Breath Prayer

•   My Prayer for YOU


Find the third episode on the theme of joy HERE

I pray you enjoy a season full of the hope, peace, joy and love of Jesus!


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