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Writer's pictureSandra Flach

Key #1: To Connect With Christ

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Welcome back! I’m so grateful you returned for the journey deeper into Six Key

Connections For Adoptive and Foster Parents. The first key connection is one I

believe most vital—our connection to Christ.

Being an adoptive mom for more than twenty years, I’ve learned my relationship with

the Lord is the single most important relationship to maintain—it can also be the hardest

to prioritize.

Early in my walk with Christ I established a morning quiet time. As a mom of young

children, the length of time would vary but always included Scripture reading and prayer.

Sometimes I’d read a devotional. When my kids were older, I added journaling and filled

countless notebooks with prayers and verses.

After adopting our Ukrainian children, my quiet time threatened to disappear. There

seemed to be no quiet or time. Yet, my ministries of marriage, motherhood, and more,

hinged upon my connection with Christ. I did not want to just survive each day but


“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me , and I in

them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5 NLT

Jesus used the image of a grapevine to illustrate both intimacy and fruitfulness. Like the

bride and the Bridegroom and the sheep and the Shepherd, the branch and the vine

convey a relationship of intimate love and daily connection.

Like cozy blankets on a cold winter night. Sunshine on a warm spring day. Quiet

mornings before the busy day begins. These are the places my weary soul wishes to

remain. But there is a greater place—a life giving, fruit bearing place. The place of His


Remaining or abiding in His presence is essentially cultivating a relationship with Christ.

We don’t plant a garden and walk away, then return weeks later and expect an

abundant harvest. Gardens need tending and relationships require nurturing. Intentional

nurturing results in growth and good fruit.

My heart longs to be the wife, mom, grandma, friend, leader, author, and podcaster God

called me to be. I want to walk out those callings in such a way that God is glorified and

His kingdom purposes are accomplished. But, I cannot do it without remaining

constantly connected to Him.

How Do We Remain in Him?

While Christian spiritual disciplines are a necessary part of abiding, our goal is not stale

religious exercises. I find the what, when, where, and how of abiding is unique to each

individual and ever changing like the seasons.

Time With God is NOT:

  • Reading ten chapters in the Bible every day (unless you want to)

  • Journaling (if you hate journaling)

  • Praying hours on end (unless that really is your thing)

  • Drudgery

Time With God IS:

  • Unique to the individual (whatever works for YOU)

  • Ever changing with your seasons of life

  • Nurturing Our Connection With Christ Includes:

  • The Word of God (even if it’s just one verse)

  • Prayer (praying while driving counts)

  • Obedience (God might ask you to do something)

  • Confession of sin (a daily practice)

  • Gratitude (always)

  • Worship (however you express it)

  • Pruning (removing the bad and the good to make room for the better)

Desperate Times Call for Creative Measures

Maintaining our connection with Christ can be challenging at times. When we first

adopted our three kids from Ukraine, life was a blur. My routine connections all but dried

up. The children woke up much earlier than our other kids—often before my coveted

quiet time. And the three-year old sucked his fingers while he slept. The slurping was so

loud, I could hear him through our bedroom walls. Like snoring or a dripping

faucet—finger sucking sounds kept me awake all night.

My body longed for sleep and my soul craved Scripture. The solution—an audio Bible

app on an i-Pod (this was early 2007). I’d shove the earbuds in, crank the volume above

sucking decibel level and soak in the Word until I fell asleep. Thankfully, the season was

short and this strategy helped me survive.

These days, my youngest two at home are teenagers—they never willingly wake up

early. And the sucking sounds have long ceased. Now I’m free to linger longer with the

Lord. I read Scripture, pray and write in my thankfulness journal. Sometimes I read a

devotional. Whether I have five minutes or fifty, I make it a priority to soak up His


Daily Cultivate Your Connection With Christ

Do you currently have a solid connection with Christ? Are you in one of those dry spots

desperate for Living Water but can’t seem to find the faucet? Or maybe you’re stuck in a

rut? Whatever season you’re in, prioritize your daily connection with Christ and enjoy

the abundant harvest that follows.

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